Picking up rocks can be seen as my personal way of keeping diary. I labeled each rock with the date I picked it and named it. When I want to relive a particular memory, I always look at the rock I picked up at that moment. This behavior became a special way for me to visit the past. I recognized that this behavior keeps repeating in my life. And each time I repeat, the feeling that memory bring to me is changing. Therefore, I started a new way: in my work Pick Up Your Memories (Figure1), I made molds for my rock collection, and every time I wanted to relive my memories, I make copies for them. The chosen of colors and materials depend on the feeling of each new visit. The process of making rocks allows me to relive my memories and also create new memories. It becomes a way of meditation for me to connect with the past.

Pick Up Your Memories - Series 1 / Collection of 8

 Pick Up Your Memories-Series 2/Collection of 8

 Pick Up Your Memories-Series 3/Collection of 8

 Pick Up Your Memories-Series 4/Collection of 13

 Pick Up Your Memories-Series 5/Collection of 13

 Pick Up Your Memories-Series 6/Collection of 13

 Pick Up Your Memories-Series 7/Collection of 8

 Pick Up Your Memories-Series 9/Collection of 9

 Pick Up Your Memories-Series 10/Collection of 9

 Pick Up Your Memories-Series 11/Collection of 15

 Pick Up Your Memories-Series 12/Collection of 13

 Continuing …


Peeling Rocks


Splitting Rock